12 months – 24 months

Intelligent Ones

While providing safety and security, we ensure our Intelligent Ones are given the encouragement and guidance to make sense of their surroundings and their new found independence.
happy baby

Classroom Environment

At this age, children are making new discoveries as fast as they come and curiosity is heightened. Crawling, walking, and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye. Children learn best if they are in a stimulating environment that supports their curiosity. While providing safety and security, we ensure our toddlers are given the encouragement and guidance to make sense of their surroundings and their new found independence. We operate with a 1:6 teacher-student ratio.

The class features large open floor space with colorful play mats and rugs that make for perfect circle time activities. Each toddler receives a personal crib or sleeping mat that is safely disinfected at the end of each day. Our teachers sanitize toys and the diapering station after each use to ensure cleanliness and the reduction of germs. We limit class size to only 12 toddlers with two teachers, always maintaining our Bright Scholars teacher-student ratio. Breakfast, lunch, and snack are provided daily along with lots of love, learning, and laughing!


wo toddlers concentrating on playing with colorful stacking toys.

We introduce the FunShine Buttercups curricular program to our Intelligent Ones, which is perfect for ages 12 months to 24 months. This lively, thematic-based program incorporates activities to help teachers engage children in active learning and promote choice so our toddlers can grow and develop in a loving environment. Each developmentally appropriate learning activity fosters creativity and promotes emotional, cognitive, social, language, and physical development. The FunShine Buttercups curriculum emphasizes safety, provides consistency with daily routines, and promotes multi-sensory experiences allowing children to learn through touch, smell, taste, vision, and hearing. We are extremely pleased with the exploration and discovery aspects of the activities that include open-ended questions to promote language development, thinking, and problem-solving. Lots of hands-on, interactive materials including creative art projects are included weekly if not daily.


Music, singing songs, listening to stories, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Teachers encourage communication and language development through the use of sign language and exposing toddlers daily to new vocabulary with picture cards accompanied by teacher animations. Our teachers are dedicated to helping each child develop new skills through a trusting and loving relationship.


A teacher assisting a young girl with a wooden puzzle at a table.
A group of young children playing with colorful blocks on the floor.

We also utilize Christian materials to highlight children’s Bible stories that are just right for our little toddlers to begin the process of character development, which is further strengthened when they advance to the Gifted Toddlers      (age 2) program. The class is filled with age-appropriate toys and books that are explored independently by students during center time. Parental daily reports are provided to update families with meal and nap times, diapering, and all activities accomplished each day.



Classroom Schedule

A parental daily report is given to update each family on meal and nap times, toilet training and all activities accomplished each day.

Time Activity
7:00 – 8:00 Tabletop: Books, Puzzles, Toys, Arts/Crafts, Numbers, Shapes, Sensory Play
8:00 – 8:30 Open Centers
8:30 – 8:50 Breakfast & Clean Up
9:00 – 9:15 Circle Time: Prayer, Daily Basics, Calendar, Bible Story, Fruit of the Spirit
9:20 – 9:50 Diapering & Handwashing
Funshine Buttercups Creative Art
9:55 – 10:25 Funshine Buttercups Language and Literacy
10:30 – 10:55 Outdoor Play
11:00 – 11:15 Handwashing & Lunch Prep
11:15 – 11:45 Lunch
11:45 – 12:15 Diapering & Nap Prep
12:15 – 2:15 Nap Time
2:15 – 2:45 Wake Up Time: Diapering, Tabletop Toys, Handwashing
2:45 – 3:00 Handwashing & Afternoon Snack
3:00 – 3:15 Funshine Buttercups Math
3:15 – 3:45 Outdoor Play
3:45 – 4:05 Handwashing & Water
4:10 – 4:30 Funshine Buttercups: Physical, Social/Emotional, Social Studies, Science
4:30 – 5:00 Diapering & Handwashing
Funshine Buttercups Music and Movement
5:00 – 5:15 Funshine Buttercups Story Time
5:15 – 5:45 Floor Activities: Crawl Tunnel Play, Rolling Balls, Hide & Seek Shapes
Cognitive Review of ABC/123, Colors/Shapes Activities
5:45 – 6:00 Table Toys & Dismissal

Diapering occurs every 2 hours and as needed for each child.

Nutrition Program

Please click our Monthly Menu below to see the carefully planned meals our chef prepares onsite daily. Our meals are nutritious, delicious and sure to please each little tummy. With two primary thoughts in mind, children’s taste buds and healthy foods, our menu offers a yummy balance of proteins, grains, vegetables and fruit.

Weekly tuition includes breakfast, lunch, and 1 nutritious snack.

Nurturing Learning Spaces for Young Scholars

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